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Space Flight: Dangerous, Unhealthy & Deadly...

Hazardous situations are bound to occur...but there is zero margin for error!

Various scientists and academic types like to cast independent researchers -- into the fields of astronomy, space exploration and the anomalies of ancient history -- as starry-eyed fantasy spinners.

Ostensibly, because I write about ancient aliens having visited the earth as historical fact, not fiction. Now, I am going to turn the tables and examine their fantasy world.

Fact: in 1970 I was 24 and remember NASA proudly boasting of their next mission, That was going to be to the moon to set up a lunar colony. Well, we all know what happened…nothing!

Now it is almost 50 years later and there hasn’t even been a manned space program ever since when. NASA has hitched rides to the ISS aboard Russian spacecraft because they have none.

But our starry-eyed space vanguard continues to talk about trips to Mars and Star Trek like voyages beyond. Baloney too. They, and their beloved champions NASA, are not going anywhere! Now let us with clear eyes and sharp, critical thinking caps on examine why.

First, the human body was designed to live on the planet earth, gravity and all. That includes being shielded from deadly, cancer causing radiation; no such shield in space. It also includes a diurnal rhythm, the alternating day/night cycle.

Those are just a couple of problems. In fact, NASA has found that astronauts have a hard time sleeping in space; Frequent bouts of nausea occur, muscles lose their tone,

Imagine you are in a spaceship deep in interstellar space, a la Star Trek. What would it really be like? Picture riding in an elevator at night that had a window. Nothing but pinpoints of light penetrating through endless black velvet.

Time, what? There’s no time in outer space, that is an earth relative concept. Our clocks only keep track of the earth’s daily axial rotation and our calendars its annual circuit around the sun. But even on Venus our concept of a day and night would be turned upside[down and inside out.

A day on Venus is longer than a year. Uh, oh. There wouldn’t be anything to reference in deep space. The ship would just float along without any sense of interval, in endless night. I strongly doubt that the human psyche is up for that.

Warning: far worse space travel nightmares ahead!

Now for the kill shot. Okay, Starship Earth 1 is out there passing by Neptune in the year 2030. Suddenly a crisis erupts. Now, the planet is about 2.6 billion miles from the earth. That means a radio signal will take about 4 hours to travel from the ship to Mission Control. Uh, too late...

Need more be said. The out of the communication loop, in real time, actually starts around Jupiter. Then there is the requirement of needing a fail-safe oxygen generating system on board, there are none. Oh, let’s not forget the need for water…you get the picture.

Who are the hard-headed realists and who the starry-eyed dreamers?

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