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Alien Earth - Alien Dawn (Excerpt)

Who are we? Where did we originate? Are we really no more than Super-Apes?

Those are not easy questions to answer and you will not find many evolutionists stepping up to fill us in. The cold fact is, the theory of evolution has already been scientifically falsified. In truth, if Darwin were alive he would admit it.

That is so because he stated and I quote, “that if the transitional fossils could not be found, his theory would fail. That has happened, it is a fiat accompli. What the general populous does not realize is that there is not one ‘missing link’ there are thousands of them.

It is not just a matter of finding x the missing homind that is the last before modern man emerges. No, the situation is much more complex and thorny for evolutionists. There are missing links from the ancient trees that did not bear flowers, to the trees that do which appear in the record 40 million years ago.

Next, there are missing links between the simple insects like flies, and the complex honeybees that arose to pollinate the flowers. There should be countless intermediate tree species that evolved from the primitive trees into apple trees. But they have not been found.

Likewise for the primitive insects evolving gradually to become pollinators. They have not been uncovered either. We are talking about entire kingdoms of plants and animals. If evolution were correct, they would have left millions and millions of transitional species behind as they mutated into more complex forms.

This is another subject you will find evolutionists shying away from. Well, not all of them. Paleontologist’s Stephen Jay Gould and Nils Eldridge admitted the above and came up with ‘punctuated equilibrium’ which attempted to explain why.  

Punctuated equilibrium is a theory that states that evolution occurs primarily through short bursts of intense speciation, followed by lengthy periods of stasis or equilibrium. It postulates that nearly 99% of a species’ existence on earth is spent in stasis.

So, if a species appears in fossil records for about 10 million years, it is likely that speciation occurred over the span of less than 100,000 years. Once complete however, there is little, if any, morphological change.” (Biological Dictionary)

Gould and Eldridge had spent their careers looking for Darwin’s transitional species without success. This new theory, a revised form of Darwinism, tried to get around the issue. But where do the seeds of the new species, which burst on the scene come from?

Independent researcher, the late Lloyd Pye, had studied hominids for years. I have no doubt he started off believing in evolution. But as time went by and he came across more anomalies and discrepancies in the theory.

Pye came up with his own thesis, which he called Intervention Theory. He critiqued standard evolutionary theory point by point first. Crick and Orgel also proceeded similarly before presenting Directed Panspermia. Pye demonstrated through the evidence that man did not descent from apes.

Then he presented genetic evidence to show that human DNA is very different. The details can be found in his PDF book, Essentials of Intervention Theory, which you can download for free.

Now we find that it is not just an either, the traditional religious view, or the standard evolutionary theory of science to choose between. There are very different models, based upon solid evidence, that attempt to explain the origins of life and humanity.

Intelligent Design theory stands somewhere in the middle. Though evolutionists claim their theory is just a thinly disguised religion it is embraced by scientists.

Nonetheless, the dogmatic way that scientists cling to evolution -- going so far as to ignore and dismiss contrary evidence, -- suggests that science itself is turning into a religion. Do we have a case of the kettle calling the pot black?

We found in preceding chapters that it is quite difficult to definitively prove that alien looking skulls are in fact alien. It is even hard to trace them to their origins on earth when their DNA signature has been identified as appearing terrestrial.

We wanted who they were. Now we see that we cannot really answer the question when it is focused on our own identity. Did we emerge from the muck of the chemical soup, that swampy broth, here on earth?

Or are we the product of alien intervention?

The other alternatives involve 1) being created via miracles performed by a (God) a mysterious, Divine Creator. 2) Being the product of the design of incomprehensible, universal Intelligence.

Perhaps we would be served well, at this point, to examine what our ancient human ancestors had to say on these matters.

The oldest written records we have were excavated in the Sumerian city of Nineveh. That city is mentioned in the bible. In fact, ? took the Hebrew holy text literally. He had a suspicion that the desert hills in Iraq, were not natural formations.

His hunch proved true. When he dug into one of them he ran right into the ruins of Nineveh. As the excavation proceeded the team unearthed clay tablets with strange symbols incised into them. Neither he nor anyone else had the slightest idea what they were or what the meant.

Eventually the cuneiform tablets were deciphered. The fact is that in the mid 1800’s, when this all took place, even biblical scholars were dismissing biblical history as naught but parables and fairytales. In chapter 9 of the Old Testament we read “in the land of Shinar”, which was Sumeria.

The Sumerian scribes tell of the Annunaki, a race of gods that took on human form. The tablets describe these gods as eating, drinking and merry-making; and also quarreling and fighting much like we humans do.

Each ‘god’ adhered to a set of rules of divine authority known as me. These divine rules ensured that each of them was able to keep the cosmos functioning according to the plans handed down to them by Enlil.

The Sumerian term for universe is an-ki, which translates to "heaven-earth." Earth was seen as a flat disk surrounded by a hollow space. This was enclosed by a solid surface which they believed was made of tin.

Between earth and heavens was a substance known as lil, which means "air" or "breath." The moon, sun, stars, and planets were also made of lil, but they were luminescent as well. Completely surrounding the an-ki was the primeval sea. The sea gave birth to the an-ki, which eventually gave rise to life.

The Sumerians believed that the cosmos was systematically regulated by a divine being. The Annunaki were organized hierarchically, into a caste system. At the head of the system was the king or supreme ruler.

The four most important deities were An, Enlil, Enki, and Ninhursag. These were the four creators who created all of the other lesser gods. An was initially the head of the pantheon, though he was eventually seceded by Enlil and the latter was seen as the most important god.

He was known as "the king of heaven and earth," "the father of the gods," and "the king of all the gods." It was Enlil who initially designed the universe. However, it was Enki who further developed and carried out his plans. Ninhursag was regarded as the mother of all living beings.

We can see that their theological concepts and cosmology were not simplistic. They saw their world as part of a well-regulated and orderly universe. Even the gods had to live by rules just as the people did...

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